Campus Politics Refuse to Forget! Oberlin Students Must Remain Vigilant on Labor The Oberlin administration, in fact, has little moral regard for its actions. By all indications, the blatant union busting which has taken place has been done so blatantly precisely because the school expects there to be little memory of it.
Campus Politics Op-ed: Oberlin has a moral obligation to pay its workers a living wage The moral imperative for any employer, within our capitalist society, is to provide its labor force with just compensation for their labor. A sub-living wage, such as the wages that non-union staff make at Oberlin, is a moral wrong.
Campus Politics Cutting More Than Just Costs: Oberlin's assault on UAW is an act of class warfare Despite the fact that administration got us here in the first place, labor pays the price.
Campus Politics An Oberlin We Can’t Believe In How seriously can we, as activists, speak of the “commitment to social justice” of an institution that still sends many graduates to key roles in the financial sector and the soft-power arms of the American empire?
Domestic Politics Opinion: CNN Botched Crucial January Debate, Targeted Sanders The U.S. is occupying Iraq while on the brink of war with Iran, there is record inequality in America, and the economy is potentially on course toward for worst crash in modern history. Why are we focusing on candidates’ squabbles and not their policy agendas?
Campus Politics Norman Finkelstein’s “Limits of the Possible” Need Not Be Ours The famed iconoclast defends his icons
International Politics Sudan’s Invisible Struggle: In Defining the Country’s New Era, Material Needs will be Front and Center The uprising which ousted Bashir was instigated by an IMF-enforced austerity budget which threatened access to basic necessities. If the future democratic government fails to reject the Washington consensus, they will prove themselves no more trustworthy than Bashir’s authoritarian government.
International Politics In Syria, New Hope and Familiar Threats Recent events in Northern Syria seem, strangely, at once momentous and banal.
Domestic Politics Can We Trust Elizabeth Warren’s Progressive Rhetoric? Elizabeth Warren’s campaign relies on progressive rhetoric to garner grassroots support, but has already shown signs that she is unwilling to challenge the system which led to a for-profit healthcare system; trillions of dollars of student debt; and historic wealth inequality.