COVID-19 Igniting a New Labor Movement From the Coronavirus Pandemic When the safety of a worker becomes the concern of the public, a strong case is made for more safe working environments, better wages, and a national healthcare system that doesn’t rely on employers.
Campus Politics What is to be done? 1. Be Angry. Stay Angry. 2. Get involved! 3. Demonstrate. 4. Educate. 5. Practice self care.
Campus Politics Medicare for All: How universal health insurance could solve Oberlin’s woes Change is coming. Both Oberlin and America are in crisis. We must choose whether to build a just and humane future, or allow the brutal logic of the past 50 years continue to guide our decision making, and lead us down the road to ruin.
Campus Politics What is austerity? No matter that it may upend the livelihoods of 108 unionized custodial and dining staff in the process — using subcontracted labor, instead of union labor, is an obvious path to easing the College’s financial burden ... but is it truly so necessary? Is there really no alternative?
Culture Building Collective Power: A Guide for Baby Socialists With a pragmatic, long-term approach to revolution, we can dismantle this clusterfuck of a society, and establish a truly ethical global system of production.
Domestic Politics Medicare for Whomst? Breaking Down the Democrats’ Healthcare Debate If we want to mobilize grassroots support for political change, we must offer more than a half-measure. Solving this crisis means fundamentally restructuring our dysfunctional healthcare system to serve the interests of the American people: this is the promise of M4A.
International Politics Bolivia on the Brink: U.S. Sides with Christian Fascists against Indigenous Sovereignty Multinational capital has seized the opportunity presented by a highly contested election and used their influence in the military to remove a popularly elected president, and install an unelected reactionary and anti-indigenous interim president.
Domestic Politics OCOPE Defends Protections for Workers from “One Oberlin” Austerity While Oberlin’s administration is prepared to sacrifice workers on the altar of “academic excellence,” employees and students, the real engine of this College, must unify in the face of austerity.